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    Fortnite on Mac

    Just downloaded Sideloadly, had to force it to download as it was blocked for being suspicious?
    Well I played around with this for awhile. Could never get Sideloadly to work.

    I'll wait for the V3 of that patcher to come out before trying again
    I kept getting this error in sideloadly:

    ERROR: Guru Meditation b4822c@1336:28f336 File is not a zip file

    I was trying to research it, but I can't get around this. I couldn't find the fortnite ipa file anywhere to try it either.
    I keep hoping V3 of that patcher will come out soon. Anyone else have any luck?
    I want to play Fortnite on Mac too. Hopefully V3 fixes the issues you are having @That Techy Guy . It should be possible now that we can sideload it on iPhone and iPad.
    I hope it's available before the end of the year! Maybe they will announce it at the next Apple Event?